March 27, 2024March 27, 2024Electronics, KiCAD, Weather Instruments Reworked PCBs arrived from JLCPCB! Just received the re-worked PCBs from JLCPCB and the replaced IC pads look like they will work a lot better. While I […]
April 7, 2023August 17, 2024Weather Instruments MetOne Anemometer Now, on to the anemometer testing. I am currently trying to use a hardware debounce circuit (shown) and it WAS working and […]
January 4, 2023January 18, 2023Electronics, Weather Instruments MetOne Windvane: Testing the MLX90316 angle sensor Output (in degrees) from WindSubsystemTest code using a 10′ ethernet cable. Connection is problematic, but it does work showing that SPI signals […]
December 16, 2022March 14, 2024Electronics, Weather Instruments MetOne Windvane: Remedying the broken “precision” sensor problem As I mentioned in the page for my Weather Station project, the special “precision” potentiometer somehow was reading OPEN…no resistance measured at […]