January 4, 2023January 18, 2023Electronics, Weather Instruments MetOne Windvane: Testing the MLX90316 angle sensor Output (in degrees) from WindSubsystemTest code using a 10′ ethernet cable. Connection is problematic, but it does work showing that SPI signals […]
December 16, 2022March 14, 2024Electronics, Weather Instruments MetOne Windvane: Remedying the broken “precision” sensor problem As I mentioned in the page for my Weather Station project, the special “precision” potentiometer somehow was reading OPEN…no resistance measured at […]
June 24, 2022December 17, 2022Electronics This will be fun…maybe… So, to paraphrase an intro to a Mission: Impossible movie: “Should you decide to take this mission…” I thought of that when I […]
June 6, 2019December 17, 2022Electronics A Circuit to operate an LED on 120V Mains So, if you look at my post about Node-RED experiments and my portable powered breadboard, you’ll notice that the “power” LED isn’t […]